About Us
Flourish Produce was founded in 2017 by Calixta and her two work horses Bill and Ben who ploughed the first field together using old horse drawn machinery. The farm is nestled between the villages of Hildersham and Linton in South Cambridgeshire and backs onto the river Granta.
The farm grows vegetables, wheat, fruit, herbs, salads and flowers for London restaurants, focusing on growing rare varieties. The horses have now retired to the Hildersham water meadows, we still farm with ecological methods, prioritising soil health and biodiversity to create healthy food for humans and a healthy place for wildlife. We are currently "in conversion" to official Organic and Biodynamic certification.
The Flourish Farm Shop began as a seedling of an idea one frosty November morning when Calixta was planting tulip bulbs in a polytunnel, day dreaming of future possibilities.
Passersby would often pop in to the farm to ask where they could buy our produce. Whilst we love working with London's finest culinary talent, we have always had a strong desire to make our produce available to those in our local community.
And so, the Flourish Farm Shop was born! The shop team is made up of Lisa, Jonners, Lucy, Justine and Emma who work in the shop and behind the scenes to fill our shelves with delicious delights.

The Farm
“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.”
― Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture
The soil is the heart of our farm. We cultivate our crops using farming practices that are as gentle on our soil as possible, and do everything in our power to increase the biodiversity of our farm. Our desire is that our farm becomes a haven for wildlife, along side producing a great diversity of nutritious crops that work together in a symbiotic system of abundance and resilience.
For more information on our farm please visit www.flourishproduce.co.uk or @flourishproduce on Instagram