Flourish Veg Boxes

Thank you for your interest in our veg boxes.

These are currently "paused" while we are in a period of the farming calendar known as "The Hunger Gap".

During these few months there's a lot of growth and promise on the farm but limited crops for us to harvest. It's a time when winter and stored crops are getting scarcer but the first spring/ summer produce is not yet ready. For this reason we have decided to pause our veg boxes until Spring when we will have lots of beautiful crops to share with you all. Our produce will still be available for chefs and restaurants to order and, as home cooks, you will be able to buy our produce from in our farm shop.

Many people are blissfully unaware of the Hunger Gap due to supermarkets importing produce all year round. 

The length of the Hunger Gap varies year to year and is largely weather dependent. We are going to be growing lots of new fantastic varieties for the 2025 season as well as welcoming back some old favourite friends. More variety, more nutrient dense, delicious organic produce for 2025. 

Our veg boxes will be back better than ever very soon...please sign up to our newsletter or follow us on social media or more information @flourishfarmshop/ @flourishproduce 


The Farm

“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.”

― Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture

The soil is the heart of our farm. We cultivate our crops using farming practices that are as gentle on our soil as possible, and do everything in our power to increase the biodiversity of our farm. Our desire is that our farm becomes a haven for wildlife, along side producing a great diversity of nutritious crops that work together in a symbiotic system of abundance and resilience. 

For more information on our farm please visit www.flourishproduce.co.uk or @flourishproduce on Instagram